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 1. ASK Now Inc.  Skypecast tesol cert, comforts   
 2. Rich Pethia & Julia Allen  CERT Lessons Learned: A Conversation with Rich Pethia, Director of CERT  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 3. Rich Pethia & Julia Allen  CERT Lessons Learned - Part 2: CERT Today; Available Resources  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 4. Rich Pethia & Julia Allen  CERT Lessons Learned - Part 1: CERT History  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 5. ASK Now and ETO  Skypecast Nov 29  Teaching in Korea 
 6. Rich Pethia & Julia Allen  CERT Lessons Learned - Part 4: What Should Leaders Do?  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 7. caracaschronicles  Skypecast with Francisco Rodriguez  Caracas Chronicles Podcast 
 8. Acid, Aldo, Agostinho, Fernando, Itamar e Wilson  SkypeCast - Reconhecimento Facial   
 9. Acid, Aldo, Agostinho, Fernando, Itamar e Wilson  SkypeCast - Reconhecimento Facial   
 10. Acid, Aldo, Agostinho, Fernando, Itamar e Wilson  SkypeCast - Reconhecimento Facial   
 11. Twinkleboi Ciccone  Episode 270 - Sparkleboi's Special Needs SkypeCast  The Twinkleboi Show 
 12. Douglas Edward  Southern Comforts 1  http://www.DouglasEdward.com 
 13. Pastor Charles Corno  Trials and Comforts  Sermons 
 14. Blue Roses  Doubtful Comforts  Blue Roses  
 15. Blue Roses  Doubtful Comforts  Blue Roses  
 16. Blue Roses  Doubtful Comforts  Blue Roses  
 17. Blue Roses  Doubtful Comforts.  Blue Roses  
 18. Rev. Dennis L. Haarer  God who comforts us in our time of trials.  God who comforts us in our time of trials. 
 19. James Newton Howard  Jess Comforts Elliot  Happening (The)  
 20. h12hardcore  Doris Day Comforts Bryan  F4Wonline.com 
 21. Howard, James Newton  Jess Comforts Elliot  The Happening  
 22. John Calvin  How to use the Present Life, and the comforts of it  THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGIONBOOK THIRD 
 23. John Calvin  How to use the Present Life, and the comforts of it  THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGIONBOOK THIRD 
 24. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast69: Walking on Fiber - An International Skypecast about NECC 2006  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 25. Ron Lutjens  The Desire for God and The Creature Comforts of Life  OOC Services 2008 
 26. Ron Lutjens  The Desire for God and The Creature Comforts of Life  OOC Services 2008 
 27. Chris May  Better Incident Response through Scenario-Based Training - Part 2: Training Geographically Distributed Teams: CERT’s XNET  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 28. Dawn Cappelli  Insider Threat and the Software Development Life Cycle - Part 1: An Update on CERT's Insider Threat Research  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 29. English Teacher John COMMUNITY  Expressionist Live 2: A live skypecast conversation with English learners and teachers from: Brazil, Japan, Italy, Greece, the U.S., Korea, Germany, Australia, Malaysia and England  ETJ's Expressionist Live Show 
 30. English Teacher John COMMUNITY  Expressionist Live 2: A live skypecast conversation with English learners and teachers from: Brazil, Japan, Italy, Greece, the U.S., Korea, Germany, Australia, Malaysia and England  ETJ's Expressionist Live Show 
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28.  Jaromír Nohavica - Směsstaženo: 1x
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